Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Favorite Ad

Robin Williams and Zelda Williams enjoying Ocarina of Time
My favorite ad campaign would have to be the campaign for the 3DS port of the Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time. The first ad started with the traditional Legend of Zelda tune that plays whenever a player finds treasure in the game. The first thing you hear after that is the sound of a familiar voice. When I first saw this commercial I knew I recognized that voice. The commercial when then repeatedly show clips of a young girl's face during the narration of the familiar voice. I completely lost it when I first saw that the person narrating was Robin Williams. It was then that many people in my age group found out that Robin Williams named his daughter (The young girl who was repeatedly shown throughout the narration) Zelda. Seeing a crossover of two formats of entertainment that I never thought would crossover resonated with me. Robin Williams and Zelda were two things that many would not imagine have had a history together. Robin Williams' voice also sounded very epic while he was doing the narration. It was a perfect voice to emphasize the majestic gameplay of Zelda. It was a genius move to combine a celebrity many children and teens recognize to a game that many children and teens mostly likely played and still play to this day. The best part is that Robin Williams himself is a fan of the game so he's not just doing it without any knowledge of the game itself.