Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Art & Copy

What was most inspiring about the advertising documentary "Art & Copy" was the fact that so many simple ideas and slogans were able to be the most well known adverting campaigns in the advertising world. These include "Got Milk", "Just Do It", and "Think Different". It was amazing that so many of these different campaigns were able to invoke so many feelings in different types of people across the country. Every someone would look the slogans would be there and could be applied to almost anything. In magazines, billboards, and of course TV commercials one would always see these slogans and generally they would present a positive connotation. Milk helps build strong bones for example and got milk sometimes showed individuals exercising. It is always inspiring when something positive to society is being advertised compared to something detrimental to our society such as fast food. "Just Do It" is also very inspiring as it promotes exercise in society and at the same time promotes a product to help get that objective completed. It was also awesome to see how the advertisement agencies during the 21st century compare to the advertisement agencies seen in AMC's Mad Men which are agencies from the 1960s. In comparison it seems that today's agencies seem to have a more welcoming and caring environment than the agencies from the 1960s. Even one individual in the documentary who was an account man in the 60s said it was one of the worst jobs he had. The statement he made about that seems accurate considering the kind of treatment seen that people who work in accounts get in Mad Men. Overall the film was very inspiring and the fact that it followed mostly positive ad campaigns all with positive messages to the viewers was awesome and helps those who want to get into advertisement gain motivation.