Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Statement of Intent: Capstone Graphic Novel

I will be writing a graphic novel for my Project. Monica Larson has agreed to be my Director. I would like to go into a career of writing graphic novels and comics after I graduate. This project will give me insight on the process it takes if I want to accomplish my goals.

The story tackles the topic of depression and suicide. There are some elements of fantasy and supernatural stories meshed into this. The main character wants to help people who are overcome by depression by traveling into their minds and battling the depression inside them. The depression manifests itself as a monster and the main character must beat that monster and talk sense into the ailing person. The main character is a college student and a psychology major. Naturally this story will have to incorporate aspects of psychology and research needs to be done on depression in our society and what causes it. I should also research different stories similar to this and how they tackle topics of depression.

The art of the story is going to implement sprite art used in video games with some sprite backgrounds. I am able to accomplish this with my knowledge of Comic Life and Photoshop. I need to research methods of publishing and chances of getting a graphic novel turned into an animated show or live action movie. After I graduate this novel could turn into a series of graphic novels tackling the topic of depression. Right now I am not sure who this story idea and graphic novel will manifest but for now I want to make it a one-shot story. This means it could be just a short story or could turn out to be the beginning of a long journey.

My idea about this came about when playing the Persona video game series as it deals with character confronting their true selfs and accepting who they are. Perhaps my story idea could turn into a video game as well. I would like to see if there are stories out there that use fantasy elements while still dealing with real life problems. Also the effect that stories have on people and if they help others cope with feelings of depression.

1 comment:

  1. Love the idea and focus on mental health. We're going to need to be sure and make your sprite art crisp.
