Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Special Effects Blog 2: Making the zombie project easier

          One of the difficult affects I am anticipating to work with in the zombie footage is having myself (the subject) walk in the graveyard off screen. The reasoning for this is because I plan to have my feet hidden behind a stone wall for most of the clip and then I will have to add them back when I walk off the screen. I need to enhance my mastery of the 3d special effects for this undertaking as I believe it will help achieve what I desire for this clip. 
          I could have my storyboard show me walking sideways offscreen instead of backwards off screen. That way I could hide my feet still and won’t have to hide them in. Perhaps I could also add in an extra clip that is exclusively me walking off of the scene. With that clip I would have to record a separate walking sequence. 
         Another problem will be animating the backpack in the scene in addition to myself. This makes it so now I have two objects I need to rotoscope and manage. Both of these objects will be showing movement and both need to be rotoscoped in the composition. Again I could have a separate clip with me putting on my backpack instead of the normal clip of me rising and putting in my backpack in the same clip. Separate clips with separate actions seem to be easier to manage and combine into one film then to have to manage them all at the same time. Managing them all at the same time would be hectic so most likely I am going to have to manage different clips in different compositions rather than all of them in one to reduce chaos in the editing process of my film.

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