Sunday, November 9, 2014

Cultural Attendance Blog #1 - Malala's Pakistan

On September 4th 2014 I attended a lecture by professor of History Dr. David Gordon called “Malala’s Pakistan - On the Edge of Two Worlds”. The lecture basically detailed the history of Pakistan’s government and gave incentive for students and other individuals to read Malala’s book called I am Malala. When I attended the event I expected there to be only students in attendance but there were many individuals in their 40s to 60s in attendance to hear the lecture and to my surprise when Dr. Gordon asked how many have read the book the majority of individuals in attendance had completed the book. 
It was interesting to see how many different groups of individuals were in attendance and it opened up my eyes to how diverse the group was. After the presentation I went to talk to Professor Gordon about my Iranian background and to my surprise he had huge knowledge about my culture and religious group and was very kind when speaking to me about this. 

The presentation gave me more education about Malala and what she had to go through while bringing change to the world. Malala was shot in the face for fighting for what she believed in and luckily she is healthy today and being protected in Britain. If she were to return to Pakistan should would most likely be captured by the corrupt government and viewed as a villain by many. In the United States and other countries she is viewed as a hero fighting for the right to education. She recently won the Nobel Peace Prize and this is a huge accomplishment for someone her age. After attending the lecture I am most certainly motivated to obtain the book myself and read through it to see how a brilliant mind was able to overcome so much adversity. 

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