Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Blog #3 - Women in Advertisements

Many advertisements in our media dehumanizes women immensely. The advertisements that are advertising something simple like jeans or jewelry are sending out the wrong message and trying to get the viewer’s attention in the most extreme way.  It is not just in the United States using these kinds of advertisements but other cultures around the world use them as well. The Dolce & Gabbana Italian luxury industry fashion house released a very controversial advertisement showing a women dressed in black being pinned down by a shirtless man in jeans with sunglasses while three other men strike poses and are menacingly staring at the woman. This promotes violence towards women and shows this particular woman being controlled by not just one man but four men. The intended meaning of the advertisement was probably to show men that if they wear their products then they will be able to gain control of women and make them theirs. The cultural meaning though shows the women in a position of helplessness and making it obvious to the viewer that women are not in power and men are free to do what they want with women. It promotes the idea that it is okay for men to force themselves upon women making them think that they enjoy it when in actuality it is clearly unwanted. b

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