Sunday, November 2, 2014

Capstone Progress Blog - Achieving the look I want.

Style is an important aspect to take into account when constructing a graphic novel. You have to make sure the style works well with the type of story you are writing. I have discovered the style I want to use with my sprites for my graphic novel. By enhancing real photos to make them appear more sprite like I am able to make the contrast between the sprites and the background mesh well together. I am using the fresco filter in Adobe Photoshop to make the real photos like as if they are from a video game to match that sprites that are meant for video games. I am still learning about everything Photoshop is capable of and I am sure I will continue learn about what this program has to offer the creative fields. 

With the feedback I received on my storyboards I am on track to finally completing my novel. Funny enough the feedback I received helps me to reduce the work load I have to do. I have a history of wasting panels to have a character say one line but with the help I received from my director I now have learned to make the panels more concise and have characters deliver more information on a single panel. This will also help me from not repeating panels. A big part of creating a graphic novel is to make sure the reader does not have to continue shifting their eyes between panels every 2 seconds. It would be too much to process and make the reader feel as if they are in a hurry. As I continue the project I am continuing to learn much more about the kind of work and thoughts one needs to take in. I am relived to hear that my story is fine and well crafted and it gives me more confidence and motivation to finish this work I am crafting from my mind. I am not on track to constructing a novel that I have always wanted to craft. 

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