Sunday, January 20, 2013

COMM343 3 Assinged Graphic Novels

The three Graphic Novels I plan to read are The Walking Dead, Watchmen, and V for Vendetta

The reason I chose the Walking Dead is because I already own the First Compendium (Which I have still not finished) so this will motivate me more to finish it. Also it is the original source work for my favorite tv show. I will gain more knowledge of storytelling with this graphic novel because I always used to think that all American graphic novels were just about super heroes and I am interested in how a graphic novel can tell another story.

The reason I chose Watchmen is because I have heard many good things about this graphic novel from everyone who has read it. I believe I will learn more about transitions as I know that the cover automatically transitions to the first page of the novel.

The reason I chose V for Vendetta is because I am interested in the premise of the story. I am also interested in why it is very popular. I think I will learn how a story can be so widely known. I also want to see variations in artwork that is different than the other graphics novels as well. I want to see how a particular style of art does or does not have to match the story it is telling.

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