Sunday, January 20, 2013

COMM203 Blog #1 - The Obama Digital Re-Election Campaign

I agree that the internet had a huge help in Obama winning the campaign. During the election everywhere I looked there was always Obama supporters and Romney haters. Rarely did I see someone support Romney. On Tumblr almost everyone made some sort of joke about Mitt Romney and how he wasn't fit to lead the country. The effect is as big as they claim in the article. The success of a campaign is planted in all age groups not just targeting one. Obama was able to target every age group and social group. He reached out to the gays and he reached out to the elderly. He also reached out to younger voters on Reddit. The social media and the internet are going to be the main tools in bringing about change. A good example is Kony 2012. One 30 minute video online got so many people to stand up for this movement. It was widely talked about everywhere. This video was not originally played on television so this says that the internet is going to be the primary source for making changes in our growing society.

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