Sunday, September 7, 2014

Depression and Ignorance

Depression is a subject that has put me in thought for years. I have personally had my ups and downs but I have never thought of committing suicide. The thought of that scares me in itself. I have seen suicide happen (not in front of me) but I have had a friend who has contemplated suicide and hear about it all of the time. I never understood why people decide that suicide is the best option but with this research for the project I plan to gain an understanding as to why people go to such lengths and decide that suicide should be the end.

There are so many risk factors for depression and so many causes that it's tough to help those suffering from this crippling disease. It is important to also note that depression is not a "United States Exclusive Disease". Suicide is the number one cause of death for youth aging from 18 to 24 in South Korea. The main cause of this suicide in 80 percent of these cases is depression. The attitude towards important events in a young person's life is overanalyzed by those youth and in turn the youth think that what happens in those moments of your life cripples you forever and that there is not point to go on.

The biggest example is parents pressuring their children to perform at the best academically. Many Korean youth are afraid to go home if they got poor grades and some even contemplated running away from home. When people badmouth those suffering from depression for committing suicide it makes others feel worse who have contemplated it and does not help them in the least bit.

With this graphic novel, I wonder how I can target many individuals suffering from depression and help them feel at ease. I want people to feel like I'm there for them with my storytelling and that I know what they're going through. If my story ever becomes a series then I want to be able to incorporate individuals suffering from depression for many different reasons.

Self-help groups and Psychotherapy are both proven to help prevent youth who suffer from depression to commit suicide. The reasoning for this is that they are around others who are in the same boat as them and are able to connect with others. They are able to be there for them and vice versa.

The subject of others helping others is something that is wonderful. It's good that those who are suffering from depression are able to impact each other in a substantial way and that is a key subject I want to cover in my story.

Resources: Rising youth suicide and the changing cultural context in South Korea.
Tackling taboos: Young people talk about Asia’s mental health problems

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