Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Education and Gaming Practical Considerations for Integrating Alternate Reality Gaming into Science Education

1. Practical Considerations for Integrating Alternate Reality Gaming into Science Education (Ebscohost) (By: Bellocchi, Alberto. Teaching Science: The Journal of the Australian Science Teachers Association. Dec2012, Vol. 58 Issue 4, p43-46. 4p. , Database: Academic Search Complete)

     This article basically talked about the idea of integrating science and gaming into one. The researcher discussed a game he showed his students where the students play as an environmental scientist who tries to uncover the source of fish being killed in a national park. The players have to make decisions in the game and have to talk to NPCs who give the players hints as to what's going on. The player must come to the conclusion of what happened on their own and thus beating the game.

2. WoWing Language Arts (Ebscohost) (McCrea, Bridget. T H E Journal. Sep2012, Vol. 39 Issue 7, p24-27. 4p. Reading Level (Lexile): 1460, Database: MasterFILE Premier)

     The article discusses the integration of "World of Warcraft" and Language Arts. Students are logged into the game by teachers and are taught reading comprehension and vocabulary through the folklore in the game. The idea also helps shy students interact more in class and gets them to achieve academic greatness.

3. The Games Children Play (Ebscohost)  (By: Padak, Nancy; Rasinski, Timothy. Reading Teacher. Dec2008, Vol. 62 Issue 4, p363-365. 3p. , Database: Academic Search Complete)

          The article discusses 10 different educational games made for children that enhance their language arts skills. One of the categories the games are split into is "games with sounds". These games show how to pronounce words and help the child to feel at ease and never frustrated. The other category is "games with words" which focus on a child's vocabulary skills.

4. Fighting baddies and collecting bananas: teachers’ perceptions of games-based literacy learning (Ebscohost) (Gerber, Hannah R.; Price, Debra P. Educational Media International. Mar2013, Vol. 50 Issue 1, p51-62. 12p. DOI: 10.1080/09523987.2013.777182. , Database: Academic Search Complete)

    The article detailed a study where graduate students were required to research literacy and gaming while at the same time playing through the entirety of several different video games. The students had to keep a blog detailing their research and their progress through the game. Interestingly enough the results showed that teachers are always hesitant at integrating gaming into their curriculum because it strays off a different path of teaching that they are used to.

5. FunBrain Language Arts Games (Ebscohost) (By: Mandell, Phyllis Levy; Minkel, Walter. School Library Journal. Jun2004, Vol. 50 Issue 6, p61-61. 1/9p. , Database: Academic Search Complete)

     The review provided detailed accounts of four different educational games and the effectiveness it provided to children's learning. One of the sections talked about a list of games that integrated a popular PBS TV show called Between the Lions and teaching children how to say certain words. The game was also in print format which was a great alternative to those who do not wish to use the computer. The other games faired well but suffered from problems such as constant pop-up ads which make print versions of a game preferable to some out there.

6. Can a Video Game get a kid to read the classics (Ebscohost) (Greg Toppo; @gtoppo; USA TODAY. USA Today. 06/19/2013. , Database: Academic Search Complete)

     The article provided a news a report listing that certain video games made by Lexica would be coming out that have characters from classic novels primarily used in education settings. If students wanted to get ahead in the game they had to read the novel ahead of time. One of the designers Schell said "If you really care about the game, you're going to read the book." The company's goal is to have kids want to play the games rather than having them feel like they have to play them.

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