Thursday, September 4, 2014

Listening to Music Blog #1

Phyiscial (You're So) is a 1980s song that was released by the band Adam and The Ants and was later covered by Nine Inch Nails in 1992. When comparing these two different versions of the song it is important to distinguish the difference between analog and digital forms of music. Analog music is recorded in its original form while digital music is recorded and the sound waves are sampled and stored into a digital device such as a CD. 

Here is a video explanation of the differences between analog and digital:

The listening experiences for me personally varied over time. I listened to both versions of the song 2 times each. The first time I preferred the Nine Inch Nails version of the song but the second listening experience I preferred the original. Although the sound quality of the first version was at a lower level than the Nine Inch Nails version the original was still more pleasing to me. The reason for the lower sound quality could possibly be that since the original was recorded in analog that means it is more prone to degrading over time. The original sounds like it has less instruments than the NIN (Nine Inch Nails) version. There could be more external sound effects added for the newer version and this seems like the most reasonable conclusion. The original just has the instruments and no external sound added. In the original the singer has more feeling and passion while in the NIN version the singer sounds angry. Later in the version for NIN, the singer is randomly panting sounding like he is either having sex or masturbating which could be seen as feeling but it could also be seen as strange and unnecessary. Personally I felt weirded out during the NIN version and I couldn't imagine an actual person on stage singing this. While I listened to the Adam and The Ants version of the song I got a clear picture in my head of someone singing this and the exact stage movements they would use. When music gives you a picture in your head of someone singing with emotion then you know it is true music.

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