Sunday, October 12, 2014

Capstone Progress

Half of the semester has passed by so quickly it’s hard to imagine how fast the next half is going to be. Production towards my actual graphic novel has begun and I have done many things to further my progress. I have crafted sprites from a wonderful website that lets users customize their own sprites. These sprites will serve as the cornerstone for my story. They are the tools that will help illustrate 
emotion and plot. 

I am not one for planning. As I craft more parts of my project more ideas just flow into my head. As I write character profiles I instantly craft new ideas and create more pieces of work to manifest those ideas. I am a person who becomes more creative during the process of creating. Ideas flow into my head once I force myself to work on a story. As I wrote a character profile for my main character I immediately crafted a brand new character in my head that would play more importance in the story than most of the others. I wonder if other writers have this happen to them as well. My main character Jonas was going to be motivated in his quest from his own experience but then I had the idea of adding a mentor figure to help guide him on his path. I believe this will enhance the quality of my story and help explain certain parts. 

My director Monica Larson helped me figure out how to make my pages look well together with sprites and natural backgrounds. I am not an artist but with the programs that I have sought out I am able to make myself appear as much of an artist as I possibly can. With this project I hope to learn more about programs such as Adobe Illustrator which my director showed me to help my project. I have not touched Illustrator but I look forward to diving in the program once I begin production on the actual novel. 

This project is a gateway to a world of possibilities. With this project alone I am learning so much and acquiring more skills that I am able to use in the real world. I hope to take these skills with me and pass these on to many others just as my superiors and professors have done for me. I appreciate this opportunity I have worked for to be able to craft works and have others view them.

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